How To Apply and Teach For Vipkid

Having the zeal to teach for VIPKID will derive you with so many fortunes in the comfort of your home, when you teach the kids online you will surprise by how much you will make at the end of the month.

Here in this content, we will give you every-every about the VIPKID company on how they design their activities.

I believed at the end of this content you are going to find out that VIPKID is the most interesting company to work with. Now, with no waste of time, we are going to start giving step-by-step guides comprehensively for you.

What is VIPKID?

Before you start to teach for VIPKID you need to know what is all about. As an online ESL teacher or aspirant teacher, I may believe you heard about VIPKID some years back. But I am gonna introduce it in detail here.

VIPKID is an online global teaching company that lets teachers and students have lessons in the comfort of their homes in front of their personal computers (PC) within the control of VIPKID's platform.

VIPKID usually offers English lessons to kids in China ranging from 3-14 years of age. VIPKID was founded in the year 2013, and it sounds to have over 500,000 registered students and about 30,000 teachers.

Even though there is much competition among online teaching companies, VIPKID has developed in recent years back, and haven't shown a sign of to hold from accepting application from interested aspirants now or soon.

Some were beginning to wonder if they are to be VIPKID contractors themselves. So, if you feel this way, just stick to this content to have more information about the VIPKID hiring process, requirements, salary, and hours. 

VIPKID gives lessons through (LMS) proprietary learning management system rooted within the US curriculum, check something here, "common core standard"

How Do I Become A tutor At Vipkid?

VIPKID proceed to amend and developed its hiring and interview process. They have streamlined their interview process to make sure only the perfect ones make it. So when you have the aspiration to teach for VIPKID, Knowing their hiring process is very important.

Once you intend to start your application just type  in your browser's tab to start your journey. So, we'll explain each of the following steps comprehensively.

Step 1: Your initial information

Once you visit VIPKID's website, just head to the signup area and then first insert your email address.

In this first step of the application, you would not last for more than 4-8 minutes, and as long as you filled in all the initial information you are asked to provide, then the message will appear saying to you whether you have got the first cut. If you got it, that's awesome!  Now let's keep going.


Step 2: Demo lesson

Now, once you arrive at the Demo lesson stage, you are to encounter two options which are:
  • Record Demo lesson
  • Live Demo lesson 
In this step you could have an opportunity of making VIPKID's recruiters have some amount of assurance in you, but if you tighten your belt well before you attempt the process. In this step, VIPKID going to display you a table with the availability of times for an interview before you move ahead and book a slot.

Demo lessons may take place live before the VIPKID's agents, or through the use of a recorded video that you made yourself (your choice). But if you decide on the live option is going to be in China's time and going to be in a traditional interview format.

There are various benefits of making the decision to go for 30 minutes interview, the biggest one probably being you can negotiate your pay (you could arrange the payment with the VIPKID's representative). On the other hand, the 5 minutes recorded demo option is really hard to pass, although you can re-record it as much as you like and you can round it up in your preferred time.
There are some of the points VIPKID management observes and considers at the stage of the 'Demo lesson' which we'll outline below: 
  • Common ESL techniques: TPR and demonstration, level-appropriate output, attitude, supplementary tools, English mastery, positive correction, repetition, and full sentences.
  • VIPKID techniques: Classroom management, lesson planning, efficient pacing and timing, rapport, level of energy, and lesson objectives.
  • Teaching practices: Talk time, adapting to the students, patience, transcending, and extending.
  • Professionalism: Presentable, technology, background, distance, and lighting.


So, you should bear in your mind that an interviewer will look out through your appearance, style of teaching, and how energetic & enthusiastic you are to teach the lesson they provided. If you can secure all that we've mentioned above, we could say, 'Wow! You almost make it.

Step 3: Mock class

Arriving at this stage, means you've reached the threshold banging at the door to start to teach for VIPKID.

So, at this very step, you are going to be asked, which of the following levels you will prefer to get certified on in your 'Mock class', it's two options also, which are:
  • Levels 2 & 3
  • Levels 4 & 5
If you are still determining which option to choose, you might be helped to know that the majority of kids on the VIPKID platform are in level 2&3. So, opting for that range may widen your opportunities of getting booked later on.

But still, do not heavily bother about that too much. Because you may often get certified on the other levels in the future.

As long as you made your decision, two different lessons will be sent to you, in order to prepare. Once you practiced enough and have confidence. Then you can get your mock class with a mock class mentor who dwells in China. 

At the end of this 'pretend lesson', you will be given feedback on how it went as well as some tips to improve.

But if you get it well, you will be directed to sign your first contract straight away and be able to start teaching. 

Therefore, it is not unusual for fresh teachers to not escape their first Mock class. But is not something that you could bother about, you can give it another try, again and again, you shouldn't stress yourself about that. Just make it a chance for you to learn and practice more.

Step 4: VIPKID TESOL course

In the year 2018, the Ministry of Education in China comes up with new rules and requirements that each ESL teacher must possess a teaching license in their residential country.

Now, the acronym TESOL stood for Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages. Before you start teaching for VIPKID you must present a TESOL certificate. Because almost online teaching companies require it before they offer you the job.

                                                              World TESOL Academy
But, if you have it that's fine you're good to go, no need for you to take a pause in your application process just to acquire such.

Step 5: Sign the contract

This is the last step in the VIPKID application process. So, 6 months is the contract tenure for every teacher expected to give out his commitment designated by VIPKID's management and there is a need for you to sign their document and submit it.

In recent years like in 2018, VIPKID's officials do check the background of every teacher. So, you should make it in your mind, whenever you get any legal outstanding issues that might impact your application.
Normally, the process used to take 3-5 business days, then you will need to create a profile on their system and keep an eye out for booked classes.

Now, wow! congratulations, you are through with the application process.

What to do if you fail the VIPKID interview process


First of all, the impossible is nothing. Once you felt you believed in yourself as a good teacher and you felt you were misjudged in the application process. There's nothing to worry about, all you need to do is to start over again with another email.

Starting over again signifies how much interest you have to teach for the VIPKID platform, so when you are pursuing it again make sure you tighten your belt to where you have lapsed before. Because VIPKID specialized in terms of identifying and terminating teachers that are not up to standard.

So, if you know you can't give more than what you've given in the first place, we recommend you pursue other opportunities.

Read these articles:

What Documents Does VIPKID Require?


When it comes to the aspect of requirements VIPKID is highly strict to it is teachers, while other competitors have less strict with their teachers than VIPKID. 

So, VIPKID ranked as thorough regarding teachers' requirements right from teachers' experience, technical equipment, and internet speed.

Teacher requirements:

We'll now be listing out all the requirements needed from aspiring teachers personally.

  • Native English speaker: English language should be your initial language or you must be proficient in terms of choosing your words.
  • Bachelor's Degree: We've said it already when it comes to the aspect of teacher requirements VIPKID is highly strict with their aspirants. So possession of a Bachelor's degree is mandatory in order to participate in their application process.
  • Teacher's experience: At least two years of experience teaching kids, or explain if you've done something like mentoring, coaching, and tutoring before. For more information click here. So don't suffer yourself if you have no any.
  • TESOL Certification: China's Ministry of Education set a new standard that each online ESL teacher should possess a teaching license from their residential country. We've said it already that VIPKID offers a TESOL program within 10 hours or even less.
  • Background check: VIPKID representatives will be observing your background in the most of stages you're passing through when you're pursuing your application process. So before you begin the contract with the VIPKID you must pass the background check. for you to gain more information click here.
  • U.S. and Canadians are eligible - but you can work anywhere if you can bye-pass them. 

Tech Requirements:

This is an additional requirement apart from the first ones we've mentioned above. VIPKID really needs a technology standard just to make sure classes are consistent with no technical errors. These tech requirements are split into device, system, and browser.
  • Desktop, Laptop, MAC, Surface - these are kinds of computers that are friendly to VIPKID's platform.
  • Use a headset with a microphone, stable output & input - with these devices, you will get a clear and dedicated lesson.
  • HD internal camera or HD External camera - Having a modern computer you don't need an external camera but if it's otherwise you need it for a clear picture.
  • Window 7 upward, MAC OS X 10. 10 upward.
  • At least 4GB RAM.
  • The latest flash version.
  • Intel Core i3 above CPU.
  • Stable Internet connection - minimum of 20 Mbps.
  • Chrome 58 upward. 

VIPKID Salary and Payments Overview

In this part, we are going to tell you every earning angle of VIPKID and if you can endure securing all these angles that I'm going to tell you, I believed some additional amount of dollars will continue to be credited to your account monthly.
 VIPKID usually pay its workers in the mid of every month, their system of payments depends on various factor. Therefore, they display that a teacher can earn from $14-$22 per hour, and each class is $7-$11 per 25 minutes.
But, on another page of VIPKID's website, they displayed it again, the amount of money taught per class is not more than $9, so we are just making an estimation here.

So, your base pay as a fresh applicant would determine from your Demo lesson, they're going to take into account both how much you got and also how your Demo class went, that is how your payment rate will be determined in the first place.

How could you get to the peak levels of VIPKID payment?

Now, we are going to talk about the VIPKID incentives and the bonuses, they specialized in terms of feeding their teachers with great prizes just to energize them to give more of their best. For you to enhance your earning practice the following:
  • Be on time and teach all classes: An additional $1 per class
  • Attend more than 30 classes per month: $0.50 added per class
  • Attend more than 45 classes per month: $1 added per class 
  • Fill-in classes (replacement of another teacher when he/she hasn't shown up): $2 added per class
  • Students who signed up after taking a trial class ($5 per student). 


How much do you expect to make?

Your net or base salary will lean on your teaching capabilities and availability, still, there are examples we are going to make here.

Assuming your base salary is $10 per class which will result in $20 per hour and you teach about 50 classes per month and all of the 50 classes you show up on time also. furthermore, your 5 students have signed up after taking your class.

At this scenery, you had made $500 as base salary ($10 multiplied by 50 classes), $50 for time bonus ($1 multiplied by 50 classes), $50 bonus for taking more than 45 classes ($1 multiplied by 50 classes), and $25 as enrollment bonus for the 5 students that signed up after having your class which is $5 per each student. So, the cumulative amount is $625.  For just 25 hours of teaching in a month.

 And what, if you double up (teach for 2 hours per day and see what could be the result?) find the answer by yourself. So having the ambition to teach for VIPKID is really a nice idea.

VIPKID Referrals and affiliates program/scheme 

Hmm, VIPKID is a kind of company with strategies that are really interesting and encouraging in order to make their teachers happier and make them invite more aspirants for them, you may feel that the bonuses offered to you are not sufficient, right?

Still, VIPKID has another way to help you swell your monthly earnings and at the same time energize you to promote their company through the method of referrals and affiliates schemes.

Now, let's proceed to see how these schemes work and help you to be able to make some money every month.

How do both of them work? (referrals and affiliates) 

Watching most of the VIPKID videos on YouTube will help you notice a lot, VIPKID teachers invite more people to use their referral links.

The reason is: As a new applicant who decided to use one of these teachers' links, you will get access to extra guidance made by that teacher just to give you more orientation on how to pass the interview. 
So, each teacher has his own method of orientation that they do deliver to one intends to use their referral link, so as to help them pass the interview process, either through phone calls, emails, and so on.
You, as a new aspirant teacher to VIPKID, know where you're heading to. But the question here is, "Why would those teachers want to guide you?" The perfect answer is 'cash'. Because each successful applicant who got signed through their link, they will derive additional fortunes.

How much extra amount of money do you expect to earn through referral and Affiliates scheme/programs?

In the early year of 2020, major changes were made regarding referral plans, and a new scheme was initiated which is the 'affiliates program'. Then, you will be able to decide which among them will be cool for you when you intend to sign up.

Referral scheme/program

That change of the year 2020 which I've mentioned was getting rid of 'milestones' with no consideration for the number of teachers you've referred.
Now let's take a look at how much you are going to earn for teachers that got signed successfully through your referral code:
  • $10 for each applicant that passes the demo class
  • $100 for each applicant who's taught the first lesson

Affiliate scheme/program   

There are slight differences between referrals and affiliates. Whenever the applicant uses your link to sign up and he/she luckily succeeded, you won't get a penny at that very moment of the application process like a referral program.
So, you only get paid once that applicant signs the contract with VIPKID. The affiliates program leans on the following milestones per month:
  • 1 teacher-$50
  • 2 teachers-$65
  • 3-6 teachers-$80
  • 7-10 teachers-$100
  • 11-20 teachers-$120
  • 21+ teachers-$130 
Affiliate program has another big benefit which you could get access to the email of aspirants. Therefore, that makes mentoring much easier. For more information just click here.

When, and how are you going to be paid? And is there a need to pay taxes for VIPKID?

Every 10th and 15th of the month are VIPKID days of payment, the teachers do submit their bank details and get paid through direct bank deposit. But, you shouldn't consider it as rigid regulations, you can set your payment to be weekly or bi-weekly.
Concerning VIPKID taxes, all VIPKID teachers were categorized as independent contractors and they were the ones to report all of their wages and settle all of their own taxes. If it happened to be you are an American, you will have more information here. 
If you're from other nations you can visit this blog despite its composition within the lens of being an American taxpayer. But VIPKID has information directly from its website, check here


Knowing the perfect time to book the class is very much important. So, in the first stage, you're going to surprise by "How does the timing work and when to teach these students in different time zone?"
                                                            Source: Getty Images
The most important thing to keep in mind is to know Beijing's time zone, and which time you would set in your own time zone to target the actual Beijing time.
 Let make-instance here, Beijing is 12 hours ahead of New York, if it happens to be your cities are in the same time zone as New York, then you know the target hours you shall focus on. Also, if you fall in another time zone, you should research the hours between Beijing and your city.
We'll bring you all the perfect working times of VIPKID's platform and the link if you want more information.   

When it's VIPKID Teaching Hours?

VIPKID's starting time is from 8:30 AM to 10:00 PM Beijing's clock throughout the week. Even teachers themselves do open classes within the half-hour time slot. You can open a time slot right from 8:30 AM, 9:00 AM, and 9:30 AM.
But all these rules were later changed by China. Then, students could be taking class till 10:00 PM Beijing. Now, it has changed, the perfect time for which the course may be booked is 9:00 PM Beijing clock.
But, only the trial classes could be booked from 9:00 PM to 10:00 PM  in Beijing. From the experience I have, it's rare to get booked during these times.

There's another time called 'Peak Times' (PT), which means the chance of getting booked is really high and the other is 'Peak-Peak Times' (PPT), which means the highest chance of getting booked. Now, let's explain these phrases below:
  • VIPKID Peak Times - start from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM on Beijing's clock from Monday-Friday. And in the weekend's Peak Time starts from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Beijing's clock.
  • VIPKID Peak-Peak Time - starts from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM Beijing's clock throughout the working days of the week, teachers have a wide chance of getting booked within these hours, especially if you're new to the system. 
                                                Source: Getty Images

So, the high time of getting booked is by targeting Peak Time or Peak-Peak Time whenever you intend to open class those hours are super perfect to target.

Do VIPKID teachers have minimum hours?

No, teaching for VIPKID is a contract, So you could teach anytime you feel like and go off anytime you decide. Moreover, some teachers do take it as a part-time job while some almost take it as a full-time job. 

To get more information straight from VIPKID's website you can visit here.

To teach for VIPKID it's an independent contractor, the more you work the more you earn; the less you work the less you earn. So, the choice is yours here. Wishing you the best of luck.

Don't forget to share and comment in the comment section by telling us where you get impressed and where you get incomprehensible so that we should reply to you immediately.


I tried my best to cover every detail of how to apply and teach for VIPKID. Please let me know your idea apart from this blog, or if you have any questions regarding this article don't hesitate to compose it in the comment section below.

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