How To Sign up And Start Tutoring At Preply

Now that you've intended to start tutoring at Preply, it's a perfect decision, 'why?' Because you stand your own boss, work anytime you desire, anywhere you desire, and however long you desire.

Tutoring At Preply
So in this content, we've crafted the ultimate guide to starting teaching online. Before we dive into the application process, let's see what Preply is.


What is Preply?

Before you start tutoring at Preply you need to know what is all about. Preply is one of the top Educational companies which offers one-on-one courses through a video chat with certified tutors. There is availability of tutors for over 50 languages online, Preply does not offer language courses alone it offers other courses apart from language courses.
In other words, Preply is a platform that connects you with thousands of students globally, it allows you to teach in the comfort of your home at your own convenience time. So if you want to become a Preply tutor stick to this content we'll give you the ultimate guide to start off.

So Preply gives you every chance to deliver what you've mastered to those demanding it. Everyone across the globe is welcome to participate to become a Preply tutor. Now let's see how to start the application process. 


How to Sign Up To Start Tutoring at Preply!

The first step to start tutoring at Preply, you just need to head over to your browser's tab and type, "". After the result page is viewed, there are options at the top of the page where you should choose "become a tutor".

Then you would be taken to the next page where you would choose the preferred language you want to teach at the top right corner of the page because later you would need to write your profile description with that language you chose. 
Then you can sign up with your Facebook account, or Google account, or manually by inserting the email address you have access to.

Applying to be a tutor is a simple process that may be completed in an hour or two. However, it's a good idea to prepare a little before completing your application to increase your chances of approval. Consider this an application for a job is something you should put effort into because it can alter your life.

Before your application gets submitted, you will be required to provide a photo, shoot a short video, and write a description of what you can give to the students. So, you should plan ahead of time.

 Here's a list of everything you expected to submit beneath the Preply requirements stages.

Preply Application process

Here is the process to start tutoring at Preply:

Stage 1: Your initial information

To begin, you would be asked about your initial information, the language you would speak and at the levels which you speak them, your phone number, and the country of origin, you must be at least not less than 18 years and agree to their terms and conditions. You should just take a few minutes in this section.
You need to choose the subject you want to teach, tutors can only efficiently teach one subject. Therefore, if you feel like teaching multiple you can add it to your profile description later. 

Also, there is a need for you to choose an hourly rate but we recommend starting with lower hourly rates, later you increase it when you gain more experience in the platform.

Stage 2: Submit a photo for your profile

You will be needed to submit a square, portrait photo of yourself that clearly display your face for inclusion on your tutor profile. It should not be a selfie for optimal effects, but using your phone camera on a timer would suffice. To be accepted, follow these steps:
  • Your head and shoulder should be visible
  • Make sure you have decent lighting and good neutral background
  • Ensure the image quality is good 
  • Maintain complete visibility of your face and eyes (unless for religious purposes)
  • Any logos or contact information should be avoided
  • Ensure it's your picture with no other person in it.

Because it's the number one thing the students would notice about your profile, so your face should be smiling face than formal. The top recommendation of Preply is straightforward that it may come out as patronizing: grin! Or let me just say smile in your profile picture!

Tutors who smile in their profile images attract considerably more learners than tutors who do not, according to the research.

Even if you specialize in teaching English to high-powered exclusives and want to portray yourself as a serious professional, smiling is still the greatest way to convey how much fun it would be to work with you.
Here's some additional advice on what makes a good profile picture? 

Stage 3: Make a headline and description

After that, you'll be prompted to create a headline and description for your profile promotion but ensure that it's catchy. A little research can go a long way in this situation.

Take a look at Preply's online tutor search page to discover what kinds of profiles appeals to you.
A headline is a 50-70 character overview of your English tutoring services, it's a good idea to emphasize your degree of experience, relevant qualifications, and/or areas of specialization. This is what it might look like:
  • Certified English tutor with 10 years of experience
  • TESOL-certified English tutor, IELTS coaching specialist 
Students prefer headlines that highlight the tutor's number of years of teaching expertise, according to research. 
To create a Preply profile, you don't need any formal experience, but if you've spent time in the classroom you will definitely highlight it.

You would be required to write a description as well. This section contains a few paragraphs that describe who you are as a tutor and what service you can provide to learners. Include a brief description of your teaching experience, teaching style, and any specialization as well as a brief explanation of why you selected teaching as a professional route. It should be at least 400 characters long and contain no personal or contact information.
Here are Preply's complete profile description writing instructions.

Your profile description should be in the same language as the version of Preply's website you signed up for when you first sign up as an online tutor on Preply.

So if you signed up for, you should know that your description should be written in German and if you sign up for, then your description should be written in English. Furthermore, if you speak more than one language at a B1 or high level, don't forget to include them in your profile!
As you gain experience with Preply and learn more about yourself as a tutor, your tutor profile will most likely change.
Therefore, to be approved, your first draft must adhere to all of Preply's requirements and demonstrate your best work.

Stage 4: Shoot your introduction video

Tutoring At Preply

To start tutoring at Preply, you must create an introduction video, Don't worry if this sounds intimidating; I'm not talking about the big film here! 

The goal is to demonstrate what a video chat lesson would be like. A simple "Hello, this is my history and experience, this is my teaching approach, and this is why I will love to teach you!" will be enough.
It should last anything from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. The majority of tutors use a webcam or a smartphone to capture the session.

Consider your introductory video to be your shop front: it's your primary tool for attracting new learners. 

It's a good idea to plan ahead of time, or at least have a basic concept of what you want to say, before pressing the record.
Students virtually often watch a tutor's video before scheduling lessons with them, according to research.

Here's a profile video guidance page with a few samples and a description of what makes a great video.

Stage 5: Set your availability

Now that you've logged your working hours in the Preply calendar, then it's time to tell your student when you are available to teach.

Of course, you are to set the availability for times when you are genuinely available, but the more slot you add, the more you open yourself up to students from all over the world, and the better you will rank in Preply's search results! Increasing your availability as much as possible boosts your chance of attracting your initial students and receiving that all-important first rating. 
You could easily link your Preply calendar with your Google calendar to ensure that you don't miss a session. To learn more about the Preply calendar, go here. 

Wait for Preply's approval

Preply's in-house tutor success team will review your video and description before approving and disapproving your profile. Because this is a human-to-human process, it takes about five working days.

Most of the reasons why aspirant tutors get rejected are because their descriptions, video, or profile picture do not comply with Preply's rules.

Set your account to receive payment

Congratulations on being accepted as an online tutor! Now it's time to figure out how to make money online. 

The good news is that getting paid on Preply is quick and easy once you've set up your account to receive payment. 

Get verified

At this stage, Preply need to verify your identity before they issue your payment! To obtain payments, you must authenticate your identity. A scan of your passport, official ID, or residency permit will be required.

Add payment information

Students from all around the world will pay in a variety of currencies. Money earned during the lesson is initially held in your internal account (Preply wallet) for you to make it easier to process, you can make a withdrawal at any moment using Payoneer, Paypal, or Skrill. You must sign up for one of these services.
It's critical to understand Preply's commission scheme, then you would be able to know what to expect in your Preply wallet and how to contact them if something goes wrong. 

Prepare To Welcome Students!

Tutoring At Preply

With only a few final touches, you'll be ready to go!

Make your profile shine

Once you've been verified as a Preply tutor, you'll have access to a dashboard that details your tutoring experience with Preply's platform.
If you go to the statistic tab, you will find some helpful hints on how to begin tutoring, such as how to make your profile more interesting to students and rank higher in Preply's tutor search results. 
The majority of these are suggestions for improving your narrative, photograph, or video.

A suggestion: If you know how you could write your description in different language versions since your profile has been approved.
Your profile will be indexed in the different language versions of Preply's website as a result of this!
You can alter your profile at any moment, so go ahead and re-record that video before displaying it to the students.
Bare it in your mind that it may take up to two days for your changes to appear on your profile after you make them. That's because every description, video, and image is manually checked by the Preply in-house team!

Make your first lesson plan

Tutoring At Preply

A student will reach out and arrange a session with you sooner or later, especially if you've followed the recommendations in this article and created a polished profile.
Although your first class may be nerve-wracking, excellent communication with your learners and little preparation will help you succeed.

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 Send a message to students who have booked your services

You should send a quick message to students when they booked their first lesson with you using Preply. Greet them and express your want to collaborate: it will make a wonderful first impression! 

It also stands as an opportunity to find out what they want to learn from Preply in the long or near term, as well as how they want to study it. After all, giving students what they want is the key to a successful lesson.
You should also ask them to complete their Learning Goal if they haven't done so since you will likely gain some more insights from these as well.

You can also have students take Preply's placement test if you're teaching English, French, German, or Spanish. Students that do this are 20% more likely to achieve their objectives than students who do not, according to Preply's research.

Make a lesson plan

Preply's first lesson is trying to evaluate if the student's learning style is a good fit for them and if they'd like to purchase a bundle of lessons from you. Given that this is your first meeting with them, spend some time discussing their long and short-term learning objectives
You should also try to instill a sense of progress in them by getting them to speak in their target language as much as possible and giving them an engaging activity that relates to their objectives.

You can think about giving them the assignment to help them to structure their individual study.

NOTE: Preply takes 100% commission of every first lesson. 

It's up to you much like a driving instructor, to persuade students to buy a package of lessons (6, 12, or 20 hours) with you based on the quality of the class. That's why bringing your A-game is so crucial.

Organize Your First Lesson 

Preply space, the Preply video platform, is where you would meet your students and conduct your lessons. You can utilize the chat to send them materials, links, or messages that you've selected to use. To make a good impression on your students, remember to follow up with them after the lesson.
Congratulations! You are now a full-fledged online tutor. The first lesson is often a little terrifying, but after you've taught your first students, the second,  third, and fourth students will appear far less daunting.


For you to understand more about how to apply for Preply watch this video below.



In just a few weeks, you would be a member of the Preply tutor family. Preply will assist you in locating the students, streamlining the process of scheduling meetings with them, and making payment simple.

This way, you can focus on what you do best: teaching rather than worrying about practicalities.

Once you've got one or two students on Preply, it is just a matter of filling up your schedule with more students until you've met your personal and financial objectives. Check the tips here on how to advertise yourself as an online tutor.

It may take several months to build a student base. However, when you gain more bookings and a few positive evaluations, the benefit of online tutoring becomes apparent.

You can be more choosy about what availability you provide to students and how much you want to charge once you start tutoring at Preply.

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