How To Grow Your Blog Marketing Business As A Beginner

How To Grow Your Blog Marketing As A Beginner

"How capable am I to grow my blog marketing?" This is the question I am asking myself, and it also takes me a long time to come up with the idea, and that is exactly what we are going to reveal in this article.

Many successful bloggers earn passive income from every angle, "why?" because they work on their blog marketing, and I believed you can do it if you read this content to the end.

This article comprises of how to find a niche, how to create a blog website, how to write a quality blog post, how to promote a blog that will bring traffic, and finally how you can monetize your blog.


The key to succeeding in blog marketing as a beginner is by staying consistent, patient, indicative, and optimistic about crafting quality posts, by doing so, Search Engines has no option but to index your content.

Now you have the interest to engage in blog marketing, so how do you write content when you don't have the niche idea?

How To Find A Profitable Niche? 

How To Grow your Blog Marketing As A Beginner


Before we move on to find the niche, we need to know what is niche first!

 Niche is the area or topic where you want to focus on building your blog, and also finding a profitable niche will determine your revenue. 

Below are 6 ideas to come up with a profitable niche:

1. Go for the niche you're passionate about 

 If you go to the niche you desire, it won't be hard for you to craft much content in that particular area, and at the end of the day, you would be surprised at the benefits you would derive.


 2. Review the Niche Market Value   

Despite the passion you have for the niche, it's advisable to have a clear opinion about the niche worth before you dive into it. 

So if you really want to monetize your blog, you should participate in a profitable niche. That will energize you more than a niche with inadequate data. 

3. Try to find out the niche market issue  

In any niche, there must be a problem. So what I want to tell you here is you should be a problem solver.

Assuming you are in the pet niche, try to craft content that the audience of the niche may possibly love, e.g, "How do I train my dog?"  Try to write about that and your content should be the solution for those users seeking that solution.

4. Find a niche with products to promote

 You should always think of the niche with affiliate products to promote that will give you money in return. 

You can use a variety of sources, such as Amazon's bestseller page, to generate product ideas. Simply complete this page and explore your niche and sub-niches to see what profitable products may be sold there and are readily advertised.

5. Are audiences of that niche capable of buying products online? 
 Is the audience willing to pay, is the issue you must clearly answer before you can finalize any niche. Only "YES" should be used as the response.

6. Review the Competition (Existing Websites) 

Check a search query's relevance to websites on search engines. You may swiftly assess any niche with the aid of this activity.

Study the websites of your competitors to discover any possibilities they may have skipped. 

Also, you should generate articles or sell things that are more valuable than those of your competitors.  It's as simple as reading the articles of your competitors to get ideas and give more value!
For more information about some popular niches, you can click here

How To Create A Successful Blog Website

How To Grow Your Blog Marketing As A Beginner


Note: Please note that all these web hosting names are links for the best guidance on how to use their service. But if you have a website already, no need for you to checked-in these links, just scroll down to the next section!

There are different web hosting companies such as Bluehost, Hostinger, Hostgator, Whogohost, Godaddy, Namecheap, etc. These hosting companies mentioned above, are the best to go with.
 Things to consider when you want to buy the domain:
  • Find a simple name for your blog that cannot be forgotten by the audience.
  • Choose .com extension if possible.
  • Make it simple and short.
  • make sure it's understandable and easy to pronounce.
  • Do not use hyphens, homophones, numbers, etc.
  • Make sure there is no omission.


But if you don't have money to afford the above services. There are free platforms you can start your blog with for free which are Blogger and WordPress but using these free platforms will make your URL appear suffixed with their name as a sub-domain.

Disclaimer: Using these free platforms is very important because you will be able to gather a lot of content, and you will be able to start getting traffic with it, then you could later migrate to those popular webs hosting to get more features and without losing your traffic.

After you've made all the necessary things ready, then you should go ahead and start writing your first blog post. Let's see how to create a blog post.

How To Create A Blog Post That Boosts Blog Marketing

Creating a blog post is one of the most important things in the blogging journey because several quality posts can elevate your blog marketing.

There are several ways for writing a blog post. One method is to begin by putting your ideas and thoughts on paper. You can begin your research once you have a clear idea of what you want to write about.
 Also, you can begin writing once you have a basic grasp of the situation. But before publishing your blog, It's advisable to check, edit, and proofread it. 

How To Grow Your Blog Marketing As A Beginner

Let's make it clear by outlining some of the steps to follow below:

1. Create a catchy headline that visitors will find attractive 

Your headline will serve as a guide, a kind of writing navigation system, letting you know which literary direction to follow and which to ignore.

 Because some writers usually start writing without a headline (title), and that results in boring, and confusing to their viewers but using a headline makes you focus on track.

2. Create a compelling and appealing introduction

 So viewers are erratic in nature, they will just look at your blog post and disappear if the compelling introduction is not well composed.

The way you construct your introduction has a significant impact on how committed they are to browsing, so you must work to keep them there.

3. Deliver Information That Is Simple to Understand and Difficult to Forget  

It's time to fulfill all of the promises you made to your readers after you enticed them to click on your headline and enticed them to continue reading with your introduction.

You'll over-deliver if you want viewers to adore you and anxiously await each quality blog post that you're going to publish.
But if you want them to immediately disappear, then it's easy you should under-deliver. So it's vice-versa.

But as the one who wants to grow in blog marketing need to tight belt, and I believe you will!

4. Conclude Strongly and With Motivation

 This is the time to support your viewers. Prove to them that you have faith in them.

Make them feel as though they can accomplish the objective indicated by your title (because after viewing your helpful advice, they certainly can). 

Motivate your viewers by showing them their advancement, their potential, and how their life will be once they follow your advice.

Give them the motivational speech you yearned for when you were having trouble understanding the topic of your post.

By having higher standards for them, you may motivate them. They must act; they cannot simply view your post and pretend it never happened. Immediately.

Make them understand that their time is now, despite whatever they have gone through or how hard they have struggled.

5. Make Your Post Clearer Than a Slip-and-Slide by Polishing It 

It's a tough fight to get viewers' attention. So you need to clean up your writing so that it reads smoothly from beginning to end.

Also, it's crucial to update your post. If reading your post is difficult, the viewer will become disinterested and leave. 

6. Insert images

 Don't forget to insert relevant images in some paragraphs to captivate the attention of your viewers, and ensure you optimize it for SEO.
 There are various online photo editors that you can use to edit your images and convert them to any type of your interest such as photopea, Canva, photoshop, etc.

One thing to know is before you insert images to your website, make sure you convert your image type to the webp.

7. Conduct  appropriate keyword research 

 knowing which key phrases to use in your blog posts will help the site rank higher on search engine results pages and attract meaningful traffic.

Researching keywords will reveal these terms.

For more information on how to write engaging blog posts click here!

Six (6) best ways to promote your blog marketing

blog marketing

Promoting your blog posts is one of the essential steps that will help you boost your blog marketing to skyrocket.

Because all of your efforts are useless if there is no oncoming traffic. There is a need for you to elevate your blog to the next level.
Here are five (5) ideas to assist you in promoting your blog content to increase your traffic, encourage shares, and raise your blog visibility:

1. Guest post

For any blogger, referral traffic is the central goal, and one of the better ways to achieve it is through guest blogging on blogs that are related to your sector or business. 
Create connections with experts and other content creators, offer to write an article on a particular topic, and deliver the article in exchange for an author box that includes a link to your website. 

Visit blog directories like AllTop, Bloglovin, OnTopList, etc. to locate chances for guest blogging.
Another way to find guest posting opportunities is by going to the Google search bar and typing your niche then typing write for us inside of quotation mark. For example, sports "write for us".

2. Promote your blog on social media 

Blog Marketing

Share your blog post on major social networks like Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest to gain greater visibility speedily.  

There are benefits of promoting your blog through social networks:   
Raise blog traffic - You can reach a larger number of people by sharing articles on various social networks. Furthermore, if people find it valuable, they may promote it further and suggest it to others.
Cost-effective - You can use social media to make your website visible to the targeted audience for free.
Develop engagement with your audience - Through social networks, you can also interact personally and deeply with your viewers. Building trust with your audience will require time and communication. 
Because all social media platforms are not the same, attempt to concentrate on the ones that are most relevant to your audience.

For example, Pinterest can be your best social media network if your target viewers are female readers. 

3. Promote your blog on a social bookmarking site

A social bookmarking site is also another platform that reads and bookmarks a particular article or web page. Users of this program can access their bookmarks at any time and from any device.
Sharing blog posts on social bookmarking websites is an excellent way to reach new readers.

It can result in a big increase in traffic back to your blog when your content is posted on, or shared through a bookmarking platform. 
You can join the following some of the most popular bookmarking platforms which are: Digg, Flipboard, pocket, GrowthHackers, and Dzone.
Here are some tips that will increase the chance of getting your blog promoted on social bookmarking sites:
  • Create a catchy title
  • use attractive graphic
  • Make compelling description
  • Use the blog's social bookmarking button


4. Promote your blog with an online forum

I think being consistent in the forum will make your blog marketing skyrocket.

So joining online forums is a fantastic way to promote your blog. You may communicate with, benefit from, and add value to a specific set of individuals by participating in online communities.

You can share your knowledge by participating in online forums, which can help you establish your good knowledge.

Check in the most popular forums here: Reddit, Quora, and FindAForum

I will go ahead and tell you how to discover a forum that matches your field faster. 

Especially if you are using an online forum like FindAForum, just open a new tab and go to its categories section or you can enter your niche in the search bar to find a list of discussion forums. 

 5. Email Marketing

Blog Marketing
                   source: iStock

Email marketing can be one of the best strategies to promote your blog and increase visitor engagement if done properly.

This method of blog promotion makes it simple for you to inform visitors of fresh blog posts or to share any positive news.

Additionally, building meaningful relationships with blog readers through the use of personalized messaging can increase blog engagement by keeping readers interested in the blog's content.

Building an email list, or a collection of email addresses used to send promotional material, is the first thing to do before starting email marketing.  

6. Message other bloggers
blog marketing

Conducting blogger outreach is another effective method of blog marketing.

It's a marketing tactic that entails enlisting the aid of well-known bloggers or influencers to increase a blog's exposure in exchange for something, whether a payment, a backlink, a good or service, etc.  

New bloggers can grow their network, get high-quality backlinks, and draw quality traffic using this method for blog promotion. 

To begin with, blogger outreach, look for influencers in your niche through platforms like GroupHigh, Influencity, and Lumanu



How to monetize your blog marketing

blog marketing


We are aware that blogging is not a philanthropic activity. People desire that their words be read and circulated.

They strive to increase their authority in their niche area and win the public's admiration.

It is evidently not quite that easy, though. It's hard to both generate traffic for a blog and monetize the traffic which you do generate. 

But do you know that monetizing your blog won't be that difficult for you if you effectively follow the guidance of this article?

Here are some monetizing ways for blog marketing: 

1. Affiliate marketing (Receive revenue by recommending products)

Using affiliate marketing to monetize a blog is one of the most used strategies.
When you first start out and don't yet have your own goods or services to market, this is extremely helpful.
All you have to do is create content that will eventually work with any affiliate deals you intend to promote. 
For example, assuming teaching online is the topic you focused on, you might easily monetize it by selling affiliate products related to that market, such as laptops, webcams, and other equipment.

Selling these kinds of things enables you to establish a largely automated stream of passive income because the content is already attracting online teachers. 

2. Advertisements (generate revenue from online ads)

Although the majority of people might believe that putting some pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements will be a great method to rake in big bucks with their blogs, the income will be at most modest unless you have a ton of traffic, as in 10,000+ visits per day or more.

The actual money doesn't start rolling in until you reach a daily visitor threshold of roughly 100,000.

However, by using display ads as opposed to PPC ads, you may simply negotiate prices with advertisers directly.

You can probably negotiate a price far more competitive than earnings from typical PPC advertisements as long as the ads are in your particular niche or business. 

As a blog publisher, advertising can give your online articles a reliable source of income.
Advertisers are prepared to spend money to reach their audience. 
Similar to how a newspaper with a huge readership may charge advertisers more, you can make more money as your site and content gain more popularity.

Businesses who wish to feature alongside your content can directly contact you and request advertising space on your website. It's referred to as a direct deal.

Good examples of such Ads networks are Google AdSense, Adsterra, Propeller, etc, which sell your advertising space.

3. Offer Digital Products

A wonderful approach to making money from your blog is by producing digital goods.
If it fits with your blog's content, you can effectively sell any kind of digital information product.

To sell your product, you can create a webinar and provide it through a member's area or another downloading method.

A combination of videos, downloadable resources, instructions, PDFs, software components, SaaS, and other items might be considered digital products.

Make an effort to produce something that contributes to a need or void. You might be surprised at how much money you can make by selling digital products on your blog, so don't second-guess yourself. 

4. Offer coaching services (Increase your blog monetization with training)

Offering coaching services is also one of the blog marketing which you can provide your audience the option to move at their own pace when you produce self-guided teaching materials like videos or downloaded ebooks.
As students move through your course, you can determine if they are interested in further topics to address.

It might take a lot of time and money to create an online curriculum from scratch, so you'll need a committed audience to make it work.

Offering live video tutoring and getting paid for your time is another way to increase your income. 


 5. Email marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to directly monetize your site. But to be successful, you must grow your list.
Use one of the more well-known email marketing platforms, such as GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, or InfusionSoft, to set up the processes required to start email marketing, whether you're promoting blog updates or producing a lead magnet.

You can easily create a sizeable sum of money via the process of promoting both your own products and services along with affiliate offer straight through email by developing a strong relationship and connection with your readers.
Each subscription will likely bring in around $1 each month.


 6. Offer courses online

Another option to make money from blogging is by selling digital online courses.
Create clear, practical, and very valuable courses, and the rest will go without a hitch.
You can easily let these courses sell for you on autopilot by pouring your heart and soul into them. This is another excellent source of passive revenue.
When it comes to technical skills like web development, digital marketing, graphic design, and so forth, courses are fantastic.
But they also function in fields like accounting, investing in stocks and currencies, and finance.
Before creating your course, identify the area in which you excel and do your homework.
Then create something that is much superior to the other courses available on the market. 


Wow, congratulations I can see you there! Can you agree with me you could earn not less than $10k per month if the above guidance is effectively implemented? The perfect answer for this is "Yes" And I believed you can do it.
So what are you waiting for, just take action to see the positive change!
But to be honest, it takes time before your blog marketing boosts up. The best key to success is consistency.
Please don't hesitate to share or comment if you have any contributions, or questions to ask in the comment section below. We'll be glad to reply to you.

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