How To Be An Email Marketing Specialist

An email marketing specialist has a strong writing capacity and mastery of digital media.

Email marketing lets you design and curates a variety of email-based marketing campaigns.
Email Marketing Specialist


It can be beneficial to understand what to do if you are interested in this line of work.

In this post, we cover what email marketing specialist does, the kinds of email campaigns you might create, and some advice on how to build your career in the email marketing field.

Now let's go straight to the point to see how you can be an email marketing specialist. 

How to become an email marketing specialist?

Email Marketing Specialist


To become an email marketing specialist, there are some following steps you need to follow. Here they are:

1. College Degree 

The majority of jobs require a bachelor's degree in a field related to digital media, while it is possible to become an email marketing specialist with only a high school diploma.

Business, advertising, communications, or marketing are popular degrees for marketing professionals.
A design or computer science degree may also be an option since the profession demands for expertise with software applications and automation procedures.

2. Find An Internship

You can learn about digital media strategies and expand your network of contacts by participating in a marketing internship.

There may not be any specific internships available for email marketing specialists because they typically work as independent contractors.

However, an internship in a related industry might help you learn vital skills and demonstrate to a future employer that you have relevant experience in digital marketing.

Think of internships in public relations, advertising, or social media management.  

3. Think About a Certificate Course  

Although certification is not necessary to work as an email marketing specialist, it may excite an employer's curiosity and boost the likelihood of an interview if you have a certificate in email marketing or a related field.

Email marketing, marketing analytics, and content marketing are covered in several online certification programs.

To gain additional valuable abilities, you may also think about
obtaining credentials in similar disciplines like design or coding. 

4. Writing Experience

Many employers favor hiring candidates with prior writing expertise. By taking on freelancing work or self-publishing texts, you can gain this experience.

Consider creating your own email list, starting a blog, or releasing a newsletter. These published works might be used in your portfolio as well.  
But that shouldn't discourage you but the aforementioned ideas will improve your chance of getting hired.

5. Build A Portfolio

You can present a potential employer with a portfolio of your previous work.

Employers can view your work and method in a portfolio, which may persuade them to hire you.

Develop your portfolio by gathering works of writing or graphic design that you are proud of. 

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What Email Marketing Specialist Does?

Email Marketing Specialist


Email marketing specialists are known as Digital marketers that focus solely on email campaigns.

Specialists in email marketing create emails, maintain email contact lists, maximize email signups, and gather information about their target market.
Additionally, they could be in charge of technical and design responsibilities including making graphics, automating emails, and performing simple coding work.

Types Of Email Marketing

Email Marketing Specialist


Email marketing comes in a variety of forms, most of which can be divided into two main groups. Examples of email marketing subtypes include: 
  • Welcome Email: welcome emails introduce a client to a newsletter or email list, and express gratitude for signing up.  
  •  Email Newsletter: A newsletter is an email sent on a regular basis that includes brief news pieces, offers, and articles about community involvement. 
  • Announcement: Customers are informed of significant information via an announcement email, such as a staff change or website update.  
  •  Re-engagement: Members of a mailing list who have not reacted in a while are sent re-engagement emails in an effort to spark their interest again. 
  •  Survey: An email survey is a questionnaire you send to consumers asking them specific questions about your business. 
  •  Promotional Email List: Promotional emails promote a specific promotion, such a significant discount or a collaboration with another business. 
  • Milestones: Milestone emails commemorate significant events like anniversaries, achieved sales targets, or a specific number of subscribers to an email list.  

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How Much Does Email Marketing Specialist Make?

Email Marketing Specialist


An email marketing specialist makes, on average, $58,414 a year. Depending on where you dwell and how much experience you have, your income could vary.

Despite the fact that the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics does not expressly collect data on email marketing specialists, marketing managers are expected to expand by 10% between 2020 and 2030.

Where Do Email Marketing Specialists Find Jobs?

For you find jobs as an email marketing specialist through Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, or even LinkedIn and many more others.
All these websites I've mentioned will give you a variety of online job options and make sure to build a compelling portfolio as I told you in the previous section. Because that will attract clients to hire you.

Qualification and Skills 

Employers hire email marketing specialists based on both technical and soft qualities.
You might have a better chance of landing an email marketing job if you have the following abilities and credentials: 


The main competency of an email marketing specialist is strong writing. You might be able to write a more robust resume or cover letter if you improve your writing skills, especially for business.
By writing more frequently, enrolling in writing classes, or consulting experts, you can improve your writing abilities.

The images and layout of an email, in addition to the text, are frequently handled by email marketing specialists.
Making engaging and visually appealing email content can be made possible by having a good understanding of design principles.

Try to read about design in books or on the internet; enroll in a design course, or look for a certificate program in design.


Coding Language 

You can use coding to automate emails, build up email lists, and format newsletters.

Try to become familiar with basic coding techniques in widely used languages like HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.

You can learn to code by doing your own research, enrolling in classes, or pursuing a coding certificate program.


Creative Thinking

An expert in email marketing will use innovative and interesting methods to deliver company announcements or promotional materials.

Employers seek candidates who can apply original thought to work-related issues.
Try coming up with a list of ideas yourself on how you may enhance your creativity. 



Analytics is the process of using data to inform marketing choices.

As an expert in email marketing, you may use analytics to choose the type of content to create, the right keywords to use, and the best time to send emails.

Your research for your email marketing campaigns might be aided by an understanding of how common analytics packages operate. 


Time Management

On a tight deadline, email marketing specialists frequently provide email campaign materials.
As a result, learning time management techniques can help you work more quickly and effectively.

Find a time management method that suits you, then set personal deadlines to practice creating within a time frame.

Email marketing is a great way of internet marketing tactics. That is the reason why many companies hire email marketing specialists and teams because they do believe in the return on investment (ROI) is highly significant.


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