How To Optimize A HubSpot Business Units To Manage Brands

When you are using the HubSpot business unit is gonna be easy for you to manage multiple brands, to speed up content creation, and you can also customize the branding for each business unit.

HubSpot Business Units

So, a structured business unit configuration allows each unit to manage its own revenues and expenses, which can help your business track and lower the overall costs related to various departmental tasks.

Also, assets like forms, pages, and more can be kept organized by being linked to a business unit.

In this article, we will cover a lot of setups related to the business unit which will make your day-to-day work so much easier.

Now let's move on to see how you can create a business unit in HubSpot but you need to put the following notes in italics into consideration.

To access some business unit-related tools, like marketing emails and subscription types, you might have to manually opt in. Despite being opted into a specific subscription type in a business unit, if a contact enables an opt-out of all subscription types in their portal, they will not show up in lists made for that specific subscription type. Contact your Customer Success Manager if there is a feature listed below that you would like to use but don't currently have access to.

Also, note the followings:

  • Business units can only be created and edited by Super admins.
  • There can be one business unit per business unit add-on. By purchasing multiple versions of the Business units add-on, you can add up to 100 business units.
  • Your HubSpot account will have access to one extra brand domain with each Business unit add-on. The linking of this domain to your new business unit is optional. Before setting up your business unit, make sure the brand domain is connected if you want to associate it.
  • The Business unit's contact property will be created in your account automatically when you create a business unit. When a contact submits a form linked to a particular business unit, this property is automatically set and you can filter your contacts by business unit.

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Alright, let's see how to create a business unit in HubSpot in just a few simple steps.

How To Create A Business Unit In HubSpot

  • Click the settings icon in the main navigation bar of your HubSpot account.
  • Go to Business Units in the left sidebar menu.
  • Click Create New Business Unit in the top right.
  • Start by giving your business unit a name.
  • Press Create.

HubSpot Business Units

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How To Rename Or Eliminate Current Business Units

The business units settings page allows you to manage your current business units:

Firstly, click the settings icon in the main navigation bar of your HubSpot account.

Secondly, go to Business Units in the left sidebar menu.

Thirdly, change or rename  a business unit's name:
  • Select the business unit you want to rename by clicking the Current View dropdown menu.
  • Click the Rename option under Actions in the upper right.
  • Enter a new name for your business unit in the dialog box.
  • Press Update. The new name of the business unit will appear in your HubSpot account.

Finally, Contact HubSpot Support by clicking the Help button in the bottom right corner of your account to delete a business unit. Any records that are linked to a business unit cannot be deleted.


  • The account name will be connected to the default account business unit. The default account business unit's name will be updated if the account name is changed in the account default settings.
  • A business unit cannot be turned off. Contact your Customer Success Manager to cancel the Business units add-on if you want to remove the business units feature.

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How to Customize Branding for Business Units

Making brand kits allows you to assign unique logos, favicons, and colors to each business unit. The brand colors will show up in the color picker's favorite palette when you create pages, emails, and forms connected to a business unit. Brand kits can only be made by users who have permission to Edit account defaults and Account Access.

Go to the settings for your business unit to create and manage brand kits:

Step 1: Click the settings icon in the main navigation bar of your HubSpot account.

Step 2: Go to Business Units in the left sidebar menu.

Step 3: Making a brand kit involves:

  • Hit Manage brand kits from the Account Defaults section. After that, you'll be taken to the Account Defaults settings page's Branding tab.
  • Choose the business unit for which you want to create a brand kit by clicking the Current view dropdown menu in the top left.
  • Click Create a New Brand Kit in the top right corner.
  • Enter a brand name for the brand kit in the dialog box.
  • Press Save.

Step 4: After the brand kit has been created, you can change the colors, favicon, and logo that go with it:
  • Click the brand kit name on the Account Defaults settings page's Branding tab.

HubSpot Business Units

How to add a brand logo?

  • Click Add under Logos.
  • Click Upload to add a fresh image from your computer or to choose an existing one from your HubSpot file manager.
  • Before applying them to your sales tools, HubSpot will resize any uploaded images.
  • Give your logo name.
  • Alternate text, a URL, and changing the logo's width and height are all options if you want to further personalize it.
  • Hit Save.

How To Add a Brand Favicon?

  • Click Add next to Favicons
  • In HubSpot, click Upload to add a new image from your computer or Browse images to choose an existing image
  • Give your Favicon a name
  • Click Save

How To Set Brand Colors?

  • Go to the Colors tab.
  • Enter a hexadecimal value or choose a color from the color picker to set your primary color. All scheduling pages, fresh quotes, and conversation channels will all make use of the primary color.
  • Simply click + Add to add more colors.
  • click on Save.
To delete a brand kit, click Actions > Delete.

How To Install The Tracking Code For A Business Unit In HubSpot?

There is a specific tracking code assigned to each business unit. You can show different cookie policy banners on different pages by using unique tracking codes. On the other hand, reporting won't be impacted by this.

For the tracking code installation:

  • Click the settings icon in the main navigation bar of your HubSpot account.
  • Navigate to Tracking & Analytics > Tracking code in the left sidebar menu.
  • Click the Current view dropdown menu and select the business unit you want to install the tracking code.
  • Continue installing the tracking code.

Business Unit Report

Use the dashboards with tailored business unit reports to monitor the performance of your brand and maintain teamwork. A business unit can also be linked to already-created dashboards and reports.

How To Build And Manage Business Unit Dashboards

  • Go to Reports > Dashboards in your HubSpot account.
  • Click Create Dashboard in the upper right. The dashboard library will be opened for you.
  • You then choose the Business Unit Overview template.
  • Explore the reports that are part of the dashboard in the right panel. Clear the checkboxes next to the reports you don't want to include.
  • Then hit on the Next button.

Also, if you want to further customize your business unit dashboard just know that is associated with:
  • Click the Actions > Dashboard details link in the top right corner.
  • Select a business unit from the dropdown menu under "Business unit" in the right panel.
  • Then hit the Save button.

You can choose a particular business unit to filter a report by selecting it from the dropdown menu or by customizing the report filters in the custom report builder using the Business unit property.

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How To Build And Manage Business Unit Report In HubSpot

You can design your own reports using the Business unit's property in addition to using the reports from the Business Unit Overview template

Use the Custom Report Builder's Business Units property to create a custom contact report to analyze business units.

In order to link a current report with a business unit:

  • Click Set Business Unit after selecting the checkbox next to the report in the reports dashboard.
  • Select a business unit from the dropdown menu under "Business unit" in the dialog box.
  •  Hit on Set business unit.


The new HubSpot business unit makes it easy for you to manage multiple brands, to speed up content creation. You can also customize the branding for each business unit, and create your own custom look and feel for each brand or area of your business using the HubSpot app.

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