Industrial Digital Marketing Strategies: Ultimate Guide

Industrial digital marketing is an excellent idea in terms of increasing your company's awareness and resulting in more sales. Bringing your industry into the digital marketing world allows you to reach your intended clients
Industrial Digital Marketing


Digital marketing is more cost effective than traditional marketing methods, and it also allows you to track and measure the success of your campaigns, so you can see what's working and what's not.
Here in this article, I will tell you strategies you can follow to bring out your industry into the digital marketing world.  Before we go deep into the process we need to understand "what is industrial marketing example?" Just in brief and then we move on to the leading guide.

What is Industrial Marketing Example? 

Industrial Digital Marketing

Industrial marketing is the group of all individuals and organizations who purchase products and services used in the creation of other goods or services that are sold, rented, or provided to others is known as the industrial market, also known as the producer market or business market. 

The industrial market (business market) is made up mostly of the following sorts of industries: agriculture, forestry, and fisheries; mining; manufacturing; construction and transportation; communication; banking; insurance; and services.

I hope you are satisfied with the brief examples above I've explained, now we gonna dive into the real work to see about industrial digital marketing strategies which means bringing the industrial market online.

Key Principles of B2B Industrial digital marketing

Industrial Digital Marketing

In this section, we suggest that you should build your marketing strategies on the following fundamental B2B digital marketing ideas and principles:
  • Remarketing should be set to a longer duration (90 days or more) to match the extended sales cycle for industrial and manufacturing businesses.
  • Targeting should be as specific as feasible in terms of location, demographics, industry, interests, time of day, etc.
  • Value quality over quantity; if there is less traffic but it is better qualified, it is OK (resulting in improved business outcomes).
  • Before exploring additional channels, make sure the website is fixed, and then start SEO while boosting it with PPC.
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Build a Targeted Content Marketing and B2B Website Strategy

Industrial Digital Marketing
Your website serves as the focal point for all of your marketing, including digital marketing. People will travel to this marketing location to discover more about your business, whether they first come across it through a Google search, at a trade show, in an advertisement or article, or at a job fair.
If you haven't already, be sure to create your ICPs and personas before beginning the process of designing (or, more likely, redesigning) your website. Examples are given in this post on keeping this procedure straightforward to assist you in defining your own
You should consider this while making all of your marketing and sales decisions. Your homepage will communicate directly to these audiences, therefore it needs to be clearly positioned front and center. 
The "hero" statement on your homepage should describe what you do, why it's essential, and who it's for. You may improve your site by using the advice in this article, How to Create a Homepage that Turns Visitors into Leads.
As you create content for the entire website, bear in mind your ICPs and personas as well. As you create this marketing hub, your objectives are:
  • Explain your business and your positioning in detail, including what you do, who you do it for, and why anyone should engage.
  • Give accurate technical details about your products, services, and solutions.
  • Create content that fosters trust and is SEO-friendly for applications or industries you serve.
  • Create detailed case studies that are SEO-optimized and that foster trust by demonstrating to readers how you address issues that are comparable to those they could be experiencing. 
Focus on useful content that benefits your target audience in your blog, resources, or articles area rather than making a push for your products. Create a content calendar and commit to producing new material frequently. By using this expanding corpus of information:
  •  Ideally, you should email your list every 2 weeks and upload it to your website every 1 to 2 weeks. Work your way up to this cadence starting someplace.
  • Send a white paper roundup every three months that expands on the themes discussed and/or connects them all together.
  • Choose content to distribute through an email outreach campaign.

Organic SEO for Industrial and Manufacturing Businesses

Industrial Digital Marketing

 Making your website's content compatible with the search terms that potential customers use when conducting online research is referred to as organic search engine optimization. Focus on specialty-specific long-tail searches as well as general + industry-specific phrases (a combination of your niche and the sectors you serve; for example, aim "industrial web design" instead of "web design"). Sometimes, this might also be based on geography. Here are a few examples:
  • Rubber molding > custom rubber molding, or medical rubber molding
  • Web design > industrial web design
  • Air filtration > custom air filtration systems
Include SEO in the entire content plan you are constructing. Create blog posts or other content that is keyword-optimized and based on hot subjects in your industry to assist your website gain organic traffic.
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Below are some of the basic industrial digital marketing strategies you will use to gain more traffic and brand awareness:

1. Google PPC Ads

Industrial Digital Marketing

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is used by almost 70% of industry marketing executives to reach new audiences. We frequently advise PPC ads to support SEO efforts in situations when organic ranks fall short, even though every organization benefits from the long-term investment that organic SEO necessitates. 
Text-based search advertisements, display ads, and banner ads can all be included in PPC campaigns. These campaigns may be tailored to fit any budget and are very adaptable. Here are our top PPC advertising tips:
  • Use extremely targeted, intent-driven keywords.
  • Use highly specific ad copy to select those who are outside the niche you serve and draw in those who are already in that niche.
  • Start by focusing on business hours (rather than all days and times), computers (rather than mobile devices and tablets), and the contiguous United States (vs. including Alaska and Hawaii). From there, if necessary, test expansion. Additionally, remove audiences older than 65 and younger than 24 to reduce the range.
Industrial digital marketing

  • The greatest landing pages for complex sales or scenarios where the prospect can't make a decision based simply on what's on the landing page are those with full navigation that allows users to browse the site and learn more It's acceptable to hide navigation on the landing page if the landing page's only goal is to encourage downloads of a white paper or some other fast transaction, but do still provide options to access more in-depth information.
  • Consider launching a Brand Campaign that includes the names of your company, your products, and perhaps certain team members if you're not already ranking for your brand name (for lawyers and doctors). Include frequent misspellings as well.
  • Think about launching a brand-name campaign where people will see your advertising when they search for the names of your competitors' companies.
  • Consider dynamic targeting advertising for product-driven pages to enhance click-through rates (CTR). Google displays advertising based on the copy on the landing page you've chosen. Make sure to constantly include what Google refers to as "negative" keywords to stop your ad from appearing for queries containing your brand name or any other keyword that can potentially eat into your budget, such as expressions that appear to be associated with your company but aren't. For example, you don't want to come up in searches for household furnace filters or air filters if your business designs unique industrial filtering systems.
  • Continue to optimize the account by finding what is not functioning through audits; divert spending away from that and toward what is.

2. Google Display Ads

People who are reading content and not actively entering search queries are shown Google display advertising, which has a significant visual component. You may create a very exact custom audience for these ads and target them very specifically. 
We advise using these advertisements to remarket to those who have already visited your website and to target people who go to your competitor URLs, particularly service and/or case study pages.

3. LinkedIn

Industrial Digital Marketing

This business networking platform effectively reaches C-level executives and salespeople. There are numerous methods to leverage LinkedIn's marketing tools and networking features to increase visibility and produce leads. Here are some clues:

  • Paid Display Advertising: Target users who match your ICP and personas by uploading your company URL and/or email lists from ZoomInfo and/or GrowBots, as well as using LinkedIn's built-in filtering.
  • Use LinkedIn lead generation forms to boost conversion rates.
  • Add your email list to the LinkedIn campaign manager and use LinkedIn advertisements to retarget.
  • Remarket to your website visitors.
  • Every quarter, have salespeople send a white paper to all of their contacts who are within their target market. The paper should only contain useful information; no sales pitch.
  • Post content from your website.
  • Highly advised, but will cost more: To create relationships between your salespeople and prospects in your industry niche, reach out (using a tool like Lead Cookie).

4. Facebook

Industrial Digital Marketing

Facebook has a vast audience because it is the most popular social media site, yet it is frequently ineffective for B2B industrial digital marketing and manufacturing marketing. If you use Facebook, we advise the following guidelines:

  • Remarket to site visitors, subscribers to your email list, and people who have interacted with your Facebook page and/or posts.
  • Post content from your website.
  • Post content that is career- and culture-focused.

Industrial Digital Marketing

Instead of making a hard sell in your email marketing to industrial and manufacturing audiences, concentrate on sharing informative articles from your website that help a lot in terms of growing your industrial marketing in a digital world, that means you are building trust first.
Use a different domain name (.co instead, for instance, or add a prefix to your company name) for outbound outreach to those who aren't yet familiar with you and aren't yet actively looking in order to preserve the integrity of your main domain and make managing replies easier. 
If you want to raise awareness, get them to visit your website and/or sign up for your email marketing, or if they're ready to talk to sales, get them to schedule a meeting. Your outbound email marketing will be supported by Lead Cookie or Growbots.
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6. ZoomInfo

ZoomInfo can be used as an additional source of email addresses for Growbots' outbound email marketing campaigns as well as a source of emails and company URLs for online advertising that is more specifically targeted. So Zoominfo also plays a vital role in industrial digital marketing.

7. Hubspot/Automate Marketing

Industrial Digital Marketing

Unquestionably effective for B2B industrial and manufacturing marketing is marketing automation. An ICP, a top-notch website, a content marketing strategy, and a marketing automation solution like HubSpot are the first things you need. 
Read How to Automate HubSpot CRM to find out more. Some crucial marketing automation concepts, methods, and strategies are as follows:
  • Exit intent: The exit intent pop-up is a popular method. These display, as was previously mentioned, when a user is about to leave a page (which various tools are able to determine by where the user moves the cursor and other factors). Depending on your goals, decide whether you want them to appear on every page or just some of them. Offer a high-value white paper or article as a download so the visitor won't leave your website empty-handed. Offer a branded white paper or datasheet on a product page or blog article. In return, you receive the visitor's email address so that you can continue to send them useful marketing material.
  • Lead Flows (presenting options for gated content downloads): There is proof that these pop-ups aid in generating leads.
  • Email Marketing: Tools like HubSpot can help you handle this properly because it is essential to manufacturing and industrial marketing in a digital world.
  • Social Posting: In addition to posting content, HubSpot features social media management tools that track keywords for you.
  • Deal Quality and Source Reporting: The Sources Report from HubSpot provides you with a detailed analysis of the sources of website traffic. A deal quality score is produced by incorporating this information with feedback from your sales team.
  • CRM and Sales Note: The ability for salespeople to record notes about every interaction with a client or potential client in the CRM offers crucial context and enhances communication between marketing and sales. Check out the best CRM between Netsuite VS Hubspot.
  • Funnel and Pipeline Tracking: These statistics track the number of leads passing through each stage of your sales and marketing process.

8. Organic Social

This is what you naturally post for no charge to accounts on social media, as opposed to advertisements or sponsored posts. Important deeds include:
  • Posting articles on thought leadership from your blog (post to LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter).
  • Republishing content on the platform of LinkedIn (having salespeople do so on their profiles).
  • Posting information about corporate events and job openings.

Videos can be handy for explaining procedures or goods that are challenging to convey succinctly through words alone if you have the necessary equipment. To host your videos, create a YouTube channel. You can link to or embed these videos on your website with ease.

9. Business Listing and some Review Sites

Make sure to claim your company on LinkedIn, Google, and Facebook, and to set up business listings or pages. If necessary, update them to ensure that they don't have out-of-date information. For drawing clients from your own local area, a Google Business Profile is extremely beneficial.
Many industrial digital marketing companies have business listing and review sites which increase the level of trust and increase your ranking for SEO.

Request reviews from clients on Google or the B2B platform Clutch to be used as testimonials for your business. These can also be shown on your website.

10. Have a Continuous Strategy for Optimizing Conversion Rates
Optimization of conversion rates (CRO) is a continuous effort. We suggest the following pursuits:

  • Keep track of conversions, lead quality, soft conversions, bounce rate, and engagement data on a global and channel-by-channel basis.
  • Create reports on deal quality. Get weekly feedback on the quality of conversions from your sales team to improve lead generation over time.
  • Review sales results and scale up successful strategies. Include experiments and cut back on ineffective activity.
  • Conduct quarterly deep dives and re-prioritization in addition to monthly analytics reviews.

We use the following tools for analytics and other tasks:
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools
  • SEO auditing tools—Moz, Siteimprove
  • Keyword tools—SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuugest Buzzsumo, etc.
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Industrial and manufacturing marketing offers a lot of options, but it's common to become overwhelmed or get lost in the process, especially if you go too quickly. Having a top-notch website with frequently updated educational content that appeals to your ICP and personas should be your top priority. 

Make sure to boost organic SEO while doing this and start integrating with a marketing automation tool. Then it's time to start a paid advertising experiment and implement an email marketing program. Create a solid base before expanding.

I have tried my best to cover everything on how to make industrial marketing through the digital world. I believed if you implement these guides the sky gonna be your limit. For in-depth details read the best digital marketing strategies for small businesses to grow.

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