How To Write Sales Email That Brings a Lot of Conversions

It’s commonplace in today’s world to wake up in the morning to an inbox flooded with emails. You briefly skim them, open up a few that seem important, and completely disregard the rest until they get overtaken by a new group of emails that come in.

The average person receives around 150 emails a day and closes about half of them. But now picture yourself on the sender’s side: You spent all this time curating the perfect email, only for it to never even be opened. This is exactly why it’s so important to know how to write a sales email that actually converts.

As a salesperson, writing sales emails is probably second nature to you. But writing a persuasive sales email that actually gets opened is a whole other story. Fortunately, writing a good sales email isn’t actually all that difficult—you just have to know the right things to say and how to craft an engaging email format.

In this blog post, we’ll be going over everything there is to know about how to write a good sales email. We’ll be discussing the components that make up the best sales emails, persuasive sales email examples, and more. Knowing how to write a good sales email can be a game-changer for your business and can significantly increase the likelihood that you make a sale, so continue reading to find out more.

The best sales emails features

How to write sales email that give you a lot of conversion
                                                        Source: Mailchimp

Attention-grabbing subject lines

If an email doesn’t have a good subject line, it’s not going to get opened. It’s as simple as that. The subject line is the first thing a recipient will see when they receive your email, so it needs to grab their attention right off the bat. Your subject line should be straightforward and to the point, but interesting enough that it entices them to actually open the email.

It’s crucial to learn how to write compelling subject lines so that your recipients will actually read your emails from start to finish, rather than just opening it and closing it right away.

Engaging opening lines

So, you’ve got someone to actually open the email you’ve written. Now you have to persuade them to keep reading it. To get the recipient to continue reading your email, you need a good opening line.

It’s a good idea to open the email with something relevant and not overly generic, so the recipient knows the email was written specifically for them. That doesn’t necessarily mean you have to know them well, but identifying something about their company or position can help you tailor the email.

If you can’t think of anything personal to include in the opening line, start with an interesting statistic or something that will grab their attention. Basically, you don’t want it to sound like a sales pitch you throw at every opportunity.

Useful body copy

The body of the email is where you’re actually going to state the reason for reaching out. The body is the longest part of the email—but that doesn’t mean it should be boring. You should have dynamic content in the body that is interesting and informative. Try to keep the body of the email as short as possible, without leaving out any important information. Clearly state what you’re offering and how that can benefit the recipient.

Direct CTA

The CTA, or call to action, tells the reader exactly what to do next. The CTA can be a button that the reader can click to find out more about the email, or it can be a direct question asking them to discuss further. Some examples of CTAs that you can include in your emails are:

  • Are you free tomorrow at [blank times] to chat more?
  • Learn more about X product/service
  • Interested in learning more? Give me a call at [your number]
  • Is it possible to discuss this further next Monday at [blank times]?
  • Set up a consultation now

These are all direct instructions or questions that give the reader the opportunity to respond. Without a CTA, you’re leaving it up to the reader whether or not they want to respond. But writing an email with a CTA increases the likelihood that the reader will do what you’re asking.

                                                                  Source: Mailchimp

Informative & professional signature line

Last, but certainly not least, is your signature line. Your signature line should be informative, and personal, and end the email in just the right tone. The signature should be short and simple. Some examples of good signature lines are best, sincerely, regards, and speak soon.

You should also include your contact information, company name, and a link to an online profile in your signature line so that the recipient can connect in whichever way best suits them.

Persuasive sales email examples

So now that you have a better idea of the components that make up a good sales email, we’re going to provide you with some persuasive sales email examples so you can really understand how to write one.

Sales email example 

Hi [name],

I’m reaching out because I see how your business, [business name], helps people learn how to write more persuasive sales emails. I have several ideas that I feel would be very beneficial with email marketing and help your clients close more deals every month.

Do you have time to chat on [day and time] about these ideas?

Thank you [their name] and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best, [Your name and contact info]

Other tips for successful sales emails

Here are some other helpful tips for writing successful sales emails, so you can make sure that your emails actually get opened.

Getting the timing right

Timing is everything when it comes to writing good sales emails. You could write the best sales email, but if you send it at the wrong time, it can easily get overshadowed by other emails. It might take some trial and error before you figure out a time that is most effective for sending emails but you can use Send Time Optimization to help you pinpoint the best opportunities.

Also, make sure you keep in mind the different time zones when you’re sending out emails to recipients across the country. You don’t want to send an important email to someone when it’s 8 pm their time, but 5 pm yours.

Send follow-up emails

If your recipient doesn’t reply at first, don’t panic. That happens a lot more than you think, which is why it’s crucial to send follow-up emails. Just keep in mind that your follow-up emails should be just as personal and useful as your original email.

Don’t be afraid of sending follow-up emails. Who knows—you might just need to send one more email in order to land a deal.

Track performance

You can send hundreds of emails a day, but if you aren’t able to track their performance, there’s no way you can tell how they’re actually doing. Tracking is key so that you can get an idea of what’s working, and more importantly, what isn’t working.

Tracking the performance of your sales email will also tell you the clickthrough rates, conversion rates, bounce rates, forwarding rates, open rates, and more. These are all very valuable metrics to know when it comes to email marketing so that you can make sure your emails are performing the way you want them to be.


Email marketing is important to any digital marketing business especially if you know how to write a persuasive sales email. It is essential when using them as a marketing tool. 

If you can’t get recipients to open your emails, how are you ever supposed to land a deal? Thankfully, writing good sales emails just requires a little bit of practice and patience. With some trial and error, you can get your open rate and conversions to a point that you’re happing with.

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